Er, yeah….can there be some sort of limit on the number of threads created per day or something?
Per person or as a whole?
Maybe as a whole.
We could set a time limit on creating threads, if that would help.
I'd watch for the person who overmakes topics, and then give him/her a penalty for flooding…
Limiting topics on a whole is stupid, people will try to get out their threads as fast as possible, which will result in less quality posts. It would just ruin the quality of the forum.
Maybe just to people then, because the quality ahs already seemed to drop some with the recent upchuck of threads.
i would limit the number of thread per person per day to keep threads meaningfull
I agree with this thread.
I agree with SuNa's thinking. It isn't really THAT big of a problem - but for the few people who make it a problem.
I'm okay with it as long as the threads are intelligent (unlike mine >_>;).
Cyclone has a point. People might end up rushing to get their threads out. By the end of the day, some people who haven't had access to a computer all day may not ever get a chance to post a new topic that way. If it's certain people cluttering up the boards, I think it should be dealt with individually and not have everyone dragged into this. The limited number of threads each person can make a day sounds reasonable. Heck, I barely make any threads, so this would work for me (and I'm guessing a lot of others). After all, why would one person need to make ten thousand new threads a day?
i like the idea of limiting topics, but would like it to be limited to people, not the number of possible posts per day. like a member can only create one topic a day and can reply to other topics created but can only make one a day (hopefully this will not make people want to post a new thread every day) if they don't make a thread then it wouldn't really matter and there would be no repracusions.
if a person abused the thread creator by making one every day for several days that were of little or no consequence then that member could be repramanded.
oh well just spit balling that one. good idea Buccaneer, and you have now used up your one topic/htread creation for the day.
Originally posted by SuNa@Apr 18 2005, 04:17 PM
I'd watch for the person who overmakes topics, and then give him/her a penalty for flooding…
[snapback]33523[/snapback]I agree. I think the real troublemakers are the one's who recreate topics.
They've recently been quite a number of people who've recreated topics. -
I think it should be done since there are quite some new and pointless threads being created now…
like a member can only create one topic a day and can reply to other topics created but can only make one a day
Part of the problem comes from the people who come outta nowhere and recreate an old topic, or a new one that's really bad.
Argh, maybe I should have come up with a way to pull this off instead of just suggesting it.