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February 7, 2007
–--- 01
Chapter 444 "Adventure at the Ghost Island"
Enel's Great Space Mission Vol. 14
"My Vearth!! Unconditional Anger!!"
----- 02
Usopp: ... Wh-what do you mean by ghost island!?
Chop: Hey, hey, where did that ghost from earlier go!? Is he still on the ship!?
Zoro: No, he went off to the island. He's probably a resident on that island.
Robin: You know the big vibration from earlier...?
Robin: If that was the sound of that mouth-like gate closing,
Robin: then it means we were probably eaten by that mouth.
Luffy: Eaten?
Robin: It's hard to see because of the fog,
Robin: but it seems like the walls extending from the gate are surrounding the island.
----- 03
Robin: --- Meaning, this ship is shut up
Robin: inside the wall that surrounds the island...
Ghost Island
"Thriller Bark"
Square: Current Location
Square: "Mouth" gate
Usopp: I see... That's why that skeleton
Usopp: told us to get out of here ASAP!!
Nami: That means this island is artificially wondering around the sea...!?
Nami: What for...?
Franky: If the "island" keeps on moving,
Franky: we cannot lower the anchor because we're in the middle of the sea.
Usopp: H-hey! Why are you planning to lie the anchor here!? We've gotta get out.
Usopp: Leaving, NOW. We'll be cursed.
Nami: Listen, guys. I...!! I seem to get "I Cannot Get into the Island" disease.
Chopper: Me, too!! I got that, too!!!
Chopper (written): Ghosts are scary, ghosts are scary.
Luffy: All right! Then bring the ship to the island!!
Uso: Did you get the "Always Ready for the Adventures" disease or something!!?
----- 04
Usopp: Hey, think twice, Luffy!!!
Usopp: Look carefully. That creepy building is the real "haunted house"!!!
Usopp: You're underestimating the "bad spirits"!!
Luffy: What are you talking about? I'm taking all the possible measure I can take,
Luffy: and will catch the ghost from earlier and feed it.
Uso: You're underestimating it too much!!!
Luffy: First of all,
Luffy: we have to get our precious Nakama back.
Luffy: Sanji!! Gimme pirate bento!!
Usopp: You say he's our Nakama... but I object!!!
Usopp: If we have a skeleton as our Nakama, I'll be too scared to sleep at night!!!
Robin: I got the bento here.
Sanji: Luffy!! Franky!! Make sure to protect Robin-chan.
Franky: Exploring the unknown island sure is exciting.
Nami: You guys are going, too, Franky and Robin?
Robin: I like
Robin: the thrills <3
----- 05
Franky: Great! Now then,
Franky: we'll be using a small boat to land,
Franky: but I have something special that I haven't shown you guys yet.
All: !?
Franky: It's Soldier Dock System "Channel 2"!!!
All: "2"!?
Franky: This system has five channels. There are two "0,"
Franky: and "1," "2," "3," and "4"!! Each dock has different function!!
Usopp: You showed us the paddle wheel of "0" and "1" and "3,"
Usopp: but you've told us "2" and "4" are still empty.
Fra: Uha ha ha ha. They're so special that I kept them secret.
Franky: If you don't want to land, go try riding it first!!
Usopp: Bring it on!!
SFX: weeeeen
Franky: Soldier Dock System "2"!!!
SFX: gakon...!!
Luffy: What, what, what's gonna come out!?
Franky: Dispatch!! Shopping boat!!
SFX: garararara...
----- 06
Franky: Mini Merry II!!!
SHs: Gyaaaah, Merrrrry!!!
Chopper: Wuooooh!! Beddddy!!
Franky: It's a steam engine "paddle steamer" that can fit four people!!!
Usopp: It's Merry! Merry came back to life as a boat!!!
Nami: I've never imagined that you had this nice little present!!
Nami: Thank you, Franky!!
Chopper: Yaaay, it's small, but we can ride Merry again!!
Zoro: That's the nicest consideration.
Sanji: If that's our shopping boat, I wouldn't mind to go for shopping at all.
Luffy: Lemme ride it! Hurry!!
Franky: Wait. We'll actually gonna ride in it soon.
Franky: Just let them have fun for now.
----- 07
Franky: With "1" and "3" that I showed you before, now all the systems are ready.
Franky: "Channel 0"!! "Assistance paddle wheel"!!
Franky: "Channel 1"!! Waver for one person: "Shiro-mokuba I"!!
Franky: "Channel 2"!! Shopping boat for four people: "Mini Merry II"!!
Franky: "Channel 3"!! Scouting submarine: "Shark Submerge III"!!
Franky: Channel 4 is still empty,
Frnaky: but depends on the need from our trip,
Franky: I'll put in some weapons in it.
Franky: For now, that's the everything of "Soldier Dock System"!!
Franky: Consider each of them the supporting soldiers of the mother ship "Thousand Sunny" to cruise around!!
Luffy: I love the way how you look at it, Franky!!!
Franky: Yeah, I'm the best guy out there this week, too. Nmmmmm...
Franky: SUPER!!!
Sanji: Hey, Nami-san and others are a little late.
----- 08
?: !
?: Kyaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!
?: Eh!!?
Sanji: N-
Sanji: Nami-saaan!!?
Sanji: Wha-what's going on!!?
Zoro: What are they doing?
Zoro: I can't see a thing because of the fog.
Robin: But it's from the island.
Luffy: Guuuuys!!!
Luffy: Heeeeey!!!
Luffy: Hurry up and let me ride Merry!!!
Sanji: That's not what you should say!!! Worry about Nami-san!!!!
Franky: You, too. Worry about the other two, too.
Robin: The scream just now... Were they cursed to death by ghosts...?
Zoro: If you have time to jinx some bad stuff, let's bring the ship closer.
----- 09
SFX: gako...
SFX: shurururu...
Luffy: !?
Sanji: Eh!?
Luffy: The anchor lowered by itself!!!
Zoro: No one touched the anchor though!!!
Franky: ...!? They're freshly made, so no way the cogwheel was lose, either...
Franky: Anyway, roll it up, or the ship will lose its balance!!
Zoro: Nmm!?
Zoro: !!?
Luffy: ...!? Huh? The hatch opened by itself!?
Luffy: ... Did anyone touch it!?
Zoro: ...!!
Sanji: ...!!
Sanji: No... No one got closer to it.
Luffy: Hrmm?
----- 10
Luffy: Nmm?
Sanji: Hey, Luffy!! What are you joking around in a time like this!!?
Luffy: (No, it's not that!!)
Luffy: (I didn't do anything!!)
SFX: nyooon
Sanji: You didn't do anything!? Then what's that mouth!?
Luffy: Bha!!
SFX: grrr....
Luffy: Uwah!!
Sanji: So why the heck are you joking around!?
Robin: ?
Robin: Voice of beasts...!?
SFX: slah
Zoro: Hrmm!!?
----- 11
Franky: Watch out, Strawhat!!
Luffy: Gheh!!
SFX: zaku!!!
Franky: Hey!! What are you doing!!?
Zoro: ...!!
Zoro: Sorry!! The sword just...!!!
Zoro: ...
Zoro: ... Strange.
Zoro: ... There are someone else... other than us...
Zoro: on this deck...!?
Franky: So is it really ghost's doing...?
Franky: Or is there some ESPers or something...?
Luffy: ...!! I did sense someone touched me.
Robin: ... I heard some beasts' haul earlier.
?: Beasts!?
?: ... That's even confusing...!!
----- 12
Sanji: Shit!! Anyway, I'm sure this is some unidentified place here.
Sanji: Now I'm more worried about Nami-san and others...!!! I'll leave the ship to you!!
Sanji: I'll go to the island to rescue them three!!!
SFX: gashi!!
SFX: gashi!!
Sanji: !?
Sanji: Hogeeeh!!!
FraLufZoro: Eeeh!? That's lame!!!
?: Uwah!!! Sanji's floating.
Sanji: !
SFX: suuu
?: What's going on!!!?
Sanji: Dwah!!
Luffy: Hey, Sanji!!!
Sanji: ... Ku...!!
Sanji: What was it just now, damnit!!
----- 13
Zoro: You said "Hogeeeh."
Sanji: Shash, you!!! Try getting into the same situation!!!!
Franky: ... Are they trying not to let us out of the ship...?
Zoro: I don't get their intention...
Zoro: If they want to kill us, they can attack us or something.
SFX: licks!
Robin: !!!
Robin: Ah!
?: Robin!!
Sanji: What's going on, Robin-chan!!?
SFX: grrrr!!!
Robin: ...!! I'm caught by... something!!!
Sanji: Oh damn you bastard, doing whatever you want!!?
Luffy: I really hear beasts' haul!!!
Luffy: Are they beast ghosts!!?
?: Uwah!!!
----- 14
?: It's a wave!! Unnatural wave inside the wall!!
?: The ship's drifting away!!!
Sanji: Robin-chan, how about the enemy!?
Robin: Haa
Robin: Haa... It's okay, it disappeared...!!
Zoro: Hey, "Hogeeeh," roll up the anchor. I can't control the ship!!!
Sanji: Don't call me Hogeeeh, punk!!!
Sanji: No!! We'll lose Nami-san and others!!!
?: Usopp, Chopper, answer us!!!
?: Hey, Franky, do something with the ship's secret weapons!!!
Fra: All right! We have "protruding surprising swimming pool" here!!
LufZoroSanji: That sounds fuuuun!! Idiot!!
----- 15
Usopp: Oooouch..!!
Usopp: Where is it!? What happened to us...!?
Nami: Of course we are hurt.
Nami: 6.7 meters...
Nami: We fell from that high up.
Nami: We're in the ghost island already...!!
UsoChop: Hieeeek!!!
Nami: Don't do that; it makes me get scared even more!!
Nami: I was too excited with Mini Merry, and ran aground on the shore.
Nami: Then, we were all flown away,
SFX: gakon!!
Nami: and now we're at the bottom of the moat.
Nami: It's 100% my fault, but I'm so cute, so please forgive me <3
Usopp: I'll knock you down!!!
Usopp: Either way, it's weird to have such deep moat right at the edge of this island!!
NamiDrawing: I'm sorry.
Nami: Maybe this is the enemy's trap. We're lucky that this moat isn't filled with bamboo spear.
Chopper: We were saved because we landed on the skulls.
UsoChop: Hieeeeeeeek!!!
Nami: STOP THAT!!!
----- 16
Usopp: --- But we're still at the entrance of it.
Usopp: If we don't move from here, Luffy and others will find us.
Chopper: But this is lower the sea level, so I'm a little scared.
Usopp: That's true. It's dangerous and hard to be spotted.
Nami: How about we'll go up to the shore at least and wait for them?
Usopp: To which way though...?
Usopp: ?
SFX: Waf
SFX: paki... paki...
SFX: Waf
Uso: A dog?
Nami: ...
Nami: It's not a dog...!!
SFX: grrrr....
SFX: garrrrr...
All: !!!?
----- 17
NaUsoChop: Cerberus~~~!?
SFX: Bow!!
SFX: Wow!!
SFX: Kooon!!
Nami: C-C-Cer... Cerberus... exists!!?
Uso: Don't you see it right behind you!!?
SFX: Bow!!
SFX: Wow!!
SFX: Kooon!!
Chopper: It's supposedly a watchdog in the hell!!
Usopp: Then it's a hell here!!
SFX: Bow!!
SFX: Wow!!
SFX: Kooon!!
Uso: If we stop, they'll eat us alive. Just run!!!
SFX: Bow!!
SFX: Wow!!
SFX: Kooon!!
SFX: Bow!!
SFX: Wow!!
SFX: Kooon!!
Chopper: ... Kooon...!!!
Chopper: One of them is a fox!!!
Fox: ...!!!
----- 18
Nami: You made it angry!!
SFX: Bow!!
SFX: Wow!!
SFX: Gooon!!
Usopp: He was bothered by that!!
Chopper: He started to say "Gooon" instead!!!
Usopp: Look, a staircase!!!
SFX: Haa
SFX: Haa
Usopp: We can go to the surface level!!
SFX: grrr...
SFX: garrr...
SFX: goooon!!
Three: ...!!
Usopp: Their nose doesn't work so well even if they're dogs.
Usopp: They're gone now...
Nami: What should we do? We've got into the forest a bit too deep...
Chopper: If something like that is wondering around, it's pretty hard for us to wait somewhere that's easily spotted.
?: That's so true.
Three: Gyaaaah!! WHO!!?
?: I... am Hildon.
Hildon: I saw you were attacked by wild dogs,
Hildon: and thought you might be helpless, so I approached you from the behind...
Hildon: Once this forest welcomes its night,
Hildon: it'll transform into a dangerous forest that you can't ever imagine...
Hildon: If you don't mind...
Hildon: please come to the mansion by my carriage...
Hildon: Onto the mansion of Doctor Hogback-sama...
Chopper: Eh...
Chopper: Hogbag!!?