Title: Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora - 京四郎と永遠の空
Genre: Fantasy, Love-Romance, School Life, Mecha
Episodes: 12
Vintage: 2007-01-05 to 2007-03-23
Studio: TNK
Official Website: http://www.kyoshiro-sora.net/
Ten years have come and gone since the greatest crisis of mankind. The story takes place at the symbol of mankind's recovery, Academia, a huge scholastic city.
Shiratori Ku is a high school girl who enjoys school life but finds her daily routine to be unfulfilling. She has this recurring dream in which she meets a prince.
During preparations for the school fesitval, Ku meets her dream prince, not in a dream, but in real life. Just like in her dream, this prince, Ayanokoji Koshiro, asks her, "Come with me…"
Opening Theme:
"Cross*Heart" by CooRie
Here's the trailer:
Oh and just so you may know, RAW 1 is out today and I must say, I'm quite impressed in this anime. Having high hopes for this.