I think it's quite obvious, that the Strawhats will once have to fight the Blackbeard pirates. I've been thinking about this since a long time but I'm still not convinced who will fight whom when it's finally there.
My guess would be:
Blackbeard - Luffy (….)
Van Auge - Usopp (sniper vs sniper is also clear)
Doc Q - Zoro, or ? (is this a sword he has on his back? btw I don't think at all he is as "weak" as he imposes to be!)
Laffite - Sanji or Zoro (Zoro only if Doc Q doesn't use a sword, then Laffite's stick could be something similar, btw he seems to be very good at using it)
Jesus Burgess - Franky or Sanji ( Sanji only again if Doc Q doesn't use a sword; Franky would be a good match because they're both very confident and loud about their strength)
The others of the crew don't have the skills to fight any of them (exept Doc Q maybe) Some important things: The one of the SHs mentioned first is always the one which would make the whole thing the most reasonable.
! If usopp doesn't come back I can't imagine who would be able to fight Auge. Maybe a hint he will ,at least some day, definitly rejoin…. I've always been convinced he will!
I know it was already talked about in several threads but I think it is important enough to have it's own. If there already is a thread like this I apologise and would prefer it being removed right away!