One thing I've never understood:
Why do a lot of black folks still insist on using it?
Since it's such a bad word, why not let it completely die off altogether?
And isn't using it to address each other…. still offensive to the recipient?
I guess I just really don't get how it can exist as both a horrible word and a pet name amongst the people it's horrible towards.
Seems like a paradox of sorts. Any explanation would be very helpful, since I'm genuinely confused.
I had a too long post going over this history of the word, power dynamics, and privilege but I felt I was doing too much for your question as you said you already understood the weight of the word.
So I found a simpler answer on this neat 7 question article about the use of the word.
African-Americans sometimes use the word amongst themselves as a means of reclaiming it—in the same way that how “queer” has been taken back by LGBT folks and the word “bitch” has been reclaimed by women and femme-identified people. Personal preferences about the “N-word” vary widely amongst black people, but that’s perfectly fine. After all, we’re the affected group, and we should have the final say.
So basically what Nolus said. It's very important to note the last part is very crucial and not every black person agrees on how the word should be used or received. Some do use it to offend. Some use it as a term of recognition, shared experience, or camaraderie. It's important to recognize that the history of the word being used between black people is not the same history of the word being used by white people to disparage and marginalize black people.
–- Update From New Post Merge ---
82 Nigerian girls rescued from Boko Haram.
234 were kidnapped 3 years ago. 113 are still missing.
That's good to hear but I can only imagine the horrors and trauma these girls have been put through by their captors before this hostage exchange. I've read some of the girls have families with some of their captors and some of the girls and their captors have even run away to start or take care of families.
No matter which way it slices it's just a fucked up situation overall. But I'm glad to hear some more of them are finally returning home.